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A 1200-pages review of many classical instruments from the fifties to the nineties by the great Hewlett-Packard: spectrum analyzers, oscilloscopes, voltmeters, frequency meter, generators, up to the handheld calculators and the Series-80 computers.
This new second edition has been completely revised and has 200 pages more than the first. It is dedicated to Marc Mislanghe and the HP Memory Project, from where it can be downloaded.
Released on 4 March 2025.
This e-book is dedicated to the great Tektronix 7000 Series oscilloscopes, the dream of a generation of engineers and perhaps the most iconic family of oscilloscopes ever.
With more than 820 pages, this book offers an in-depth look at these great instruments, mainframes and plug-ins, and their history.
This second edition has been completely rewritten and revised.
Published by Elektor Books International, an illustrated chronicle of Teknology for collectors and restorers Oscilloscopes have made a major contribution to the advancement of human...
Available only in printed form from Elektor Books.
This book contains a lot of information, descriptions, suggestions, technical notes, photos and schematics that can be of great help to those who want to restore or simply repair these wonderful witnesses of one of the most beautiful eras in the history of technology. Includes the component layout for the 545 oscilloscope.
Available only in printed form from Elektor Books.
The story of other instruments neither from Tektronix nor Hewlett-Packard. Includes Advantest R3132, LeCroy 9361 and Philips 3350.
Download Dedicated to all the radio-surplus enthusiasts in the world, it describes, together with many photos, some of the most known old equipment, like receivers, transmitters and related instruments.
It covers: Wireless Set N.19, AN/ART-13 transmitter, BC-348 receiver, R-44/ARR-5 receiver, R-45/ARR-7, R-107 receiver, R-91/ARC-2, Collins 51J receivers, R-390A/URR, R-648 / ARR-41, R-725/URR, AN/GRC-7, RT-70, RT-66, RT-67, RT-68, AN/GRC-19, R-392/URR receiver, T-195 transmitter, Allocchio Bacchini AC-18 receiver, Racal RA17, Siemens E309, Siemens E311, G133F receiver, Geloso G4/216, TV-7/U tube tester, LAEL 755, ZM-3/U, ZM-11/U, TS-505/U, Pantec Major, Chinaglia VTVM 1001. Hewlett Packard HP400H,
URM-191, TS-585/U, BC-221, TS-375/U, TS-497/URR
Most real world life, since the introduction of radio and until the late eighties, passed through shortwave communication. World War II proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that communications equipment was a necessary prerequisite for military success. After the war, shortwave became the backbone on which the world's most important services depended every day.
All the radio equipment through whose cathodes, grids, plates and transistors all this human history has passed, is therefore an extraordinary subject of study and enjoyment for us enthusiasts of old electronic stuff. In this book, which begins after the Second World War, you will find a lot of information, descriptions, suggestions, technical notes, photos and schematics that can be of great help to those who want to restore or simply know these wonderful witnesses of one of the most beautiful eras in the history of technology.
Soon Available in printed form
A new book aiming to give a deep technical analysis of some of the most interesting pieces of classical radio equipment, with tons of photos, diagrams, restoration stories, hints and tips.
This first edition covers the Telefunken E863/724, the Siemens E311 and the Collins 51S-1.
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